It was great! overall I am very satisfied with my and my students' performance. I chose my rowdiest class, they are very smart (all my classes are) but I think because they are so unruly-types, *and because they love me :-)* they performed really well, enjoyed their chance to show off for me and the ESL foreign teachers in the room, but they were all so sweet and genuine. they didn't try to put on a show, they just DID CLASS, and this is exactly what I was hoping they would do.
When I wrote "Wednesday" on the board, it was all wobbly.... I took a bit too long warming up with initial questions, and that was predominately because I was trying to de-psych my self down from the metaphorical ledge.
But things settled down soon and they flowed nicely. There were games, listen and answer, & repeat & answer. There were some things I do in regular classes that didn't happen due to the situation of the class (I opted not to use the books this time, so they didn't get to see my count to the page method for practicing #s, or the students writing the date on every page of their textbooks & notebooks)
Kudos to me, I think. I'm glad it's over, I was carrying a lot of stress around about it for the past little while, and I think I didn't even realize it till it was over and my whole body just kindof sighed*
I'm glad I got to do it. I am a stinkin' exhibitionist. and I LOVE teaching. I know I'm good at it, and I am SO SO PROUD of my students for making my job enjoyable by being wonderful kids, I got to show them off as much as myself. I'd be happy to do it again anytime. I hope, in fact, that I get to do it again sometime. but not too soon! I need to wind down a bit first.
Teacher reviews:
good game activities
good rapport
I like your teaching style. You have the students participate a lot. thay like the class enough to volunteer and speak so much.
You do a really good job at keeping their attention and regaining their attention after and between activities.
on the whole, a good job. Well organized presentation. Enthusiastic participation on the part of the students. Strong teacher/student dynamics. students followed directions easily. variety of exercises none of which was way too long. Was the opening exercise just for the sake of loosening up the students? to get them to concentrate? I wasn't sure of how it related to the ensuing exercises.
I think you did an excellent job! It was the right combination of learning, listening, and interacting. the group activities were very fun it was easy to see that the children enjoyed them very much.
It was my first open class but overall you did an excellent job. Your nervousness did not show at all. The Students responded to you extremely well. Lot's of queing and management techniques that the students are extremely familiar with. Great voice and flow of lesson. Repetition and order is critical in teaching a 2nd language class. Your co-teacher and you responded well to each other. I saw some "signing" as well very effective! _linh Doan (London, On, Canada...Jang-nae Elem. School)
I loved seeing great amount of enthusiasm from both native teacher and Korean teacher. Most of the instructions were clear and the native teacher spoke slowly to the students, which helped them to understand. Also, I thought both teachers handled the large number of students. Overall, it was absolutely brilliant. Cheers.
Strengths: -very impressive teaching methos.
-lots of teachers actions gave the students more understanding of the topics
-used lots of different activities to make students more laf;lkdsjf;laksdj.
-maybe used too much time on "introduction" of the topic.
once again, today's class was really impressive, well presented...excellent!
Good job today! I thoroughly enjoyed watching your class today, and I picked up a lot of new ideas that I hope to use in my own class. I especially liked the mask game to practice using directions. You have so much energy, and the children seem to respond so well to your teaching style. I was happy to see that the class seemed fairly realistic. The intro was a bit long for my class, but everything else was good. I like the "1,2,3 ACTION!" you used for the "Listen & Repeat" section. Thanks! Stacy