Monday, December 5, 2011

Just Another Rush Hour Commute

no photoshop.
no color selection
no kidding.

At last, I feel I can breathe, now that finals are on their way to the printers....right??? right?!?!?!!?

Aw, Shucks...

Well, yes aside from that, next to come are oral exams, homework, paper grading, recording, report cards....that's just before Xmas. then, and let's not forget about Camp! dum-dum-dum. I used to love that word. It has come to mean something else. and it makes me a little sad.
If that's not enough, before I go on vacation in February, I will have to prepare entry-level exams for the incoming second graders who will start the new year in March. Yes, people. I am talking about children who are in the 1st and 2nds grades. all this work--and they work (oh so hard!)--and they are 7, 8, and 9 years old! holy moly!
Currently, My work is exhausting me, I'm constantly tired, I teach all the time, and in my 10 min breaks between classes, I am shouted at from a distance of centimeters by my students who sometimes sit on the edge of my chair or shove papers in my face, of holler Teacher! Teacher! I want to be your HELPER TODAY!!!! and meanwhile I am expected to prepare quality lessons

With little-to-no prep time, and I am getting paid less than I did while working public school. BUT! It's more work, so.... there's that. I don't mind the work...I wouldn't even mind the lower pay...if I only felt like my work ethic or ...something... was being noticed, appreciated by the administration. I don't care to get into details, but I feel a bit invisible. I am a talking moving monkey who spurts english and "can't read" but teaches your children. "can't read" means I can't handle the completely korean software installed on my computer that causes me to take two hours longer than normal to try and convert it from A4-B4 paper and I'm SORRY but I am not stupid because I can't find the hidden 한글 margins or even how to change the FONT, so just do it the way I know and I have to say it looks pretty damned good, if I do say so myself.

I'm a stellar teacher, you guys...
you guys...
I am stressed and wondering why did I quit my relatively stress-free job to go to this one? Well I know at least why I came back. Is it worth being back here? Yeah I think so :) and well, I feel That through struggle and sometimes B+ outcomes means I am reaching out and trying my damnedest. It's tough because I am doing it all new. I'm putting myself out there and trying to better myself professionally. Sometimes I cherish the B-plusses more than the A's. It depends on where I came from, really. And this one....well, it's a doozy.
I got no pics of school. SO I'lll show some other stuff.
I'm sorry for not calling or writing lately.
it's my stress, it's that I'm busy, it's that I don't have internet and my house is disorderly...
but it's no excuse.
I love my friends and family and I'm so lucky to have you people.
Thank you.
I miss everyone.
You're in my thoughts daily.
Keep in touch.
Love, Sus

You've got to S-M-I-L-E, to be H-A-double P-Y!
Sus n' Kate have a date <3