Aw, Shucks...
If that's not enough, before I go on vacation in February, I will have to prepare entry-level exams for the incoming second graders who will start the new year in March. Yes, people. I am talking about children who are in the 1st and 2nds grades. all this work--and they work (oh so hard!)--and they are 7, 8, and 9 years old! holy moly!
Currently, My work is exhausting me, I'm constantly tired, I teach all the time, and in my 10 min breaks between classes, I am shouted at from a distance of centimeters by my students who sometimes sit on the edge of my chair or shove papers in my face, of holler Teacher! Teacher! I want to be your HELPER TODAY!!!! and meanwhile I am expected to prepare quality lessons
With little-to-no prep time, and I am getting paid less than I did while working public school. BUT! It's more work, so.... there's that. I don't mind the work...I wouldn't even mind the lower pay...if I only felt like my work ethic or ...something... was being noticed, appreciated by the administration. I don't care to get into details, but I feel a bit invisible. I am a talking moving monkey who spurts english and "can't read" but teaches your children. "can't read" means I can't handle the completely korean software installed on my computer that causes me to take two hours longer than normal to try and convert it from A4-B4 paper and I'm SORRY but I am not stupid because I can't find the hidden 한글 margins or even how to change the FONT, so just do it the way I know and I have to say it looks pretty damned good, if I do say so myself.
I'm a stellar teacher, you guys...
you guys...
I am stressed and wondering why did I quit my relatively stress-free job to go to this one? Well I know at least why I came back. Is it worth being back here? Yeah I think so :) and well, I feel That through struggle and sometimes B+ outcomes means I am reaching out and trying my damnedest. It's tough because I am doing it all new. I'm putting myself out there and trying to better myself professionally. Sometimes I cherish the B-plusses more than the A's. It depends on where I came from, really. And this one....well, it's a doozy.
I got no pics of school. SO I'lll show some other stuff.
I'm sorry for not calling or writing lately.
it's my stress, it's that I'm busy, it's that I don't have internet and my house is disorderly...
but it's no excuse.
I love my friends and family and I'm so lucky to have you people.
Thank you.
I miss everyone.
You're in my thoughts daily.
Keep in touch.
Love, Sus
You've got to S-M-I-L-E, to be H-A-double P-Y!

Sus n' Kate have a date <3
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