I should have something more interesting to tell you.
I should be writing about snowboarding at Yongpyong resort in Gangwhan-do.
I should be showing pics of me smiling at the to of a hill with my buddies and windchilled and sunburned at the bottom. I should be telling you about how we knitted in the evenings and how the bus was long and crowded but hey at least I got to go snowboarding. I should get to tell you this, but I had to cancel it all! I am SICK. ick ick ick. SICK.
knew it to be so on Thursday morning, when I woke up achy and with a runny nose. then I felt awful Friday morning, and terrible Friday night, when I traveled all the way out to Wangsimni station to meet Matt, and Army guy who so kindly picked me up the monster party-pack of assorted Quils (Day and Ny), and turned around only to return to my east-side burb of Guri and wallow in the post NyQuil stupor while trying to knit this hat which I am now wearing. Boy it's hard to knit on NyQuil! As Dennis Leary says, "Big N, little y, big F****ing Q!" holy hell. well thanks to my mixture of hater, Gatorade and Quils, resulting in a 20+ hour-resting period on Friday~Saturday, I awoke Sunday morning to notice a regaining of the use of my nostrils. Hooray! and though I am not all well just yet, I am over the worst. I am SOOOOOO angry that I couldn't go boarding. Sooooo sad that I missed socializing with my friends, by so incredibly relieved to have given myself the rest my body truly needed. Sometimes, the best choices are not the most popular ones. this was one of those.
All I have to say, though is By golly! Thanks be to God for NyQuil!

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