I started packing a moderately-sized pack, and stressing out over how many shirts and pants to bring (let me tell you I needed just the one long-sleeved shirt. I brought three, but we'll get to that when we get to Thailand) I ended up with three long-sleeved, two tshirts, 3 tanktops, a skirt, a pair of shorts, and some stretchy pants. And I used ALL of it; minue the long-sleeves!
I stayed up so late, then decided I MUST do my dishes before I leave the country, which is what I did. before I knew it, my entire house was spic & span, and it was 3...nearly4am! Oh well, take a shower, watch Gray's Anatomy, and it's time to get out and catch the bus. So that's what I did!
It was 430am when I trudged out in the least amount of clothes I could muster myself into--it had snowed and was still snowing overnight--and found myself waiting on an early morning mainstreet Guri for the 1st airport bus to pop on by. The street was silent, plenty of taxis driving by, all stopping me and offering a ride; it was that special time of day, when the people on the street were early morning work-goers/exercisers mixed with those who have been out all night partying and are lazily making their way home on foot. One of the latter saw me standing in the middle of the street. He walk by with a curious look on his face, me standing there, looking up into the snowy-black sky, singing any song I could think of that had the impression of snow in it (Personally, I prefer Baby It's Cold outside; even though it's a duet). He drifted out of view behind a pickup truck, but reappeared a few minutes later, hot coffee in hand, and offered it to me. I said thank you and took it. He walked off, and I continued singing gleefully: I was going on vacation!
How cool, to be in snow in the morning, and swelteringly hot that evening? Which is exactly--mind you, what I got. The only uncool thing about it was that I had a full set of winter clothes bulking up my backpack in the most tropical places I've ever been to for my entire trip.
I took a 5 and a half hour flight to Bangkok, and then a 2 hour flight to KL. It was nearly 11pm Malaysian time when my airport bus pulled up to the Travellers Palm Lodge. I was greeted at the front gate by 'Shark' who gave me a tour of the house and showed me where I'd sleep. It had been over 48 hours since I'd had a full night's sleep. I was BEAT! So I went to sleep almost immediately. Adventures to ensue the following day and four more.... To Be continued (to ~Kuala Lumpur~)

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