Theres nothing better in Korea that hiking in the Fall. the air is cool, and the sun is high in the sky. The leaves are all sorts of colors, and with good company or solo, you're bound to have a joyous day on the the peaks.
I joined up with the S.unday H.ikers I.nto Trekking again group; my Favorite group of snooty hikers. This was my first ascent of Surak Mountain, and wow, we sure took the tumultuous route. Of course, from our hike leader, Mamma Mia, I would expect nothing less.

most people were out hiking Seorak mountain (famous for its jagged peaks) so we got to enjoy the company of a smaller number. here we are at our first peak pic point!

I LOVED this! We got to a cliff face and was a line and two massive heavy ropes. what is that chant?
"Can't go under it..."
"Can't go around it...."
"Gotta go over it!"
And that's just what we did.

In front of me, Lindsay was nervous. Well, we were in any case walking up a cliff.
I looked up when we were halfway, hollered joyously, and Lindsay looked toward the rock, panting. "oh Susan! please don't do that!"

Whew! I made it. now for a sip of water, and waiting for everybody else.

It was a bit tricky in some spots

Lovely Suraksan looking out over the city suburbs
We walked up up over, up, down a set of stairs, up a few massive boulders, around a cliff face, and down a sandy rock path. the weather was perfect. people were smiling and helpful
(too helpful sometimes, I think--I like to climb up rocks on my own!)

our group at the top