I'm hoping I will make it to Montana to see my Father and my Dog sometime in August, but as of now I'm unemployed and basically out of money, so.... have to hold that off.
I'm waiting for my diploma to come from WWU, so i can apostille it and send it to korea, and my FBI background check _NEW DEVELOPMENT, freakin korea_and then to send that to get apostilled. 6 or 7 weeks and counting....
ah! I've been advised to call and nag them to get to mine asap, as I'm waiting on a position with the public schools that starts in September. it's rough, and I worry at times, but...well...i am trying to be zen about it. I am trying to relax and take one step at a time. Take the steps I can to assure success, and let the rest come forth at a natural pace. And well, the hurry up and wait game is a frustrating game, let me tell you.
So here I am, sitting in the U-district, in need of pants and shoes. and well i guess i should go out looking for these things! goodbye friends and fam, I'll see you and talk to you later.
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