This Photo was taken by some friends from Japan, who we went diving with in Tioman!
I'm so glad--this was my...um...11th dive in my life. I'm up to 15 now--but this is my first photo I have of me underwater! I think that's Erik in the background there--It was his FIRST dive. He is now PADI open water certified. Diving is such a mix of interesting feelings for me. There's definitely a sense of fear and adrenaline there, and claustrophobia. There's also the amazing feeling of weightlessness, of discovering a whole new world...ha ha...I did a lot of swim-throughs, saw barraccudas and and sting rays; this time, saw my divemaster get attacked by a trigger fish who was protecting its nest, I experienced some choppy seas, and got to share diving with someone I love a lot. so, hey, life's pretty good i think... I'm indeed a lucky girl.
This blog gave me a lot of feelings too, Sus: happy for you, intrigued, envious, haha! I miss you and really hope I get to see you and Erik sooner than later! Thanks for sharing this underwater pic! ~Nasreen