Handstands in the sand,
are quite more difficult to maintain
than the on solid ground. I'd like to quote
the bible here, a lesson learned
in Sunday school so long ago,
of choosing to build a solid foundation
to build a sturdy life.
A stable foundation makes
for easier handstands, yes,
constanstantly looking
toward the ground
that never changes,
or sinks away
from my anxious grasp.
A stable foundation provides
its inhabitants with happy confidence
in handstand skill, alone.
HOWEVER, not everyone
can be so lucky. We've go to work
with what we've got. I come
to find I slip and fall much
easier than that man
who learned at first stand his hands
outstretched upon the sand.
He is sturdy, built to last
because he's had to learn
the changing tide may shift his stance,
and water rush upon his face,
and will his arms to weaken still
beneath the pressure in his limbs.
He's learned, you see the setting here
can't alway just be changed,
like trying to play backgammon
on a board that's meant for chess, sometimes
it's best to leave the game to those
who've learned to bend the rules.
He makes adjustments of his self
and reacts to that which he CANnot change, that IS to come,
will try to shake, and tear him down, and
when a wave begins to roll and take
the earth away, beneath our arms
it goes to sea; he stands upright,
firm, 'cause afterall
it's nothing he ain't done before.
it's nothing he ain't done before.
The game is over. I fall away.
My face is wet and salty.
My face is wet and salty.
Into the ocean I laugh and run;
back up beach, I sigh with grief
"HAN-BUN-DOH, Let's try again!"
"A contest in the sand, my friend!"
I'll try again, again! again!
until I've got it right.
I'll beat you, Rob, just wait your turn,
if it takes me all night!

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