We traveled from tent to tent. some people sand and played songs on the guitar, some people told stories, gossiped, and goofed around, drank
and other cocktails, some took naps and read books, some played scrabble, a few crazy fellows decided to try their hands at making a rainy day fire. We all waited out the rain.
If you've ever been deserted on an island, you find that time is not an issue anymore. We emerged when the weather was fair, ate when we were hungry, and filled our time in between with whatever we cared to do. I think this is what the producers of LOST were getting at with their TV show. Because it's just the feeling you get when you're on an island. really, it's irrelevant, time. unless you have to be someplace. the only specific time I remember recalling was around 2:20, when the boat and its Korean folk music blaring came zooming up to the beach.
I don't know what time we had dinner, but we had tin foil stew (spit and chew), a campfire favorite; and burgers, and other stuff.
I don't know what time it was when Kate and I exchanged our writing (my novel, her short story), but when we did, it was still dinner time. I do know that by page 10 of Kate's story, Kate and I were being chided for being the only sober ones on the entire island. everyone was entirely inebriated.
and I wandered off, but Nina and Meredith and Shaun soon followed after, then just after sunset but before dark, William joined us and we walked approx. 3km out along the low
mud flats to reach the strong beautiful waves at the other end.
I don't know when the fire became a social event, but it was around the time someone took out a guitar and began to sing country roads. I also know this is the time
Joowon and I decided to hit up the water for a little skinny dipping.
Unfortunately, the greying sky revealed two other evening waders, so we put a pin in the idea and spent some time in conversation. That when we noticed the first signs of
Phosphorescents in the waves. Like electric shocks in the rolling waves, the glowing plankton shimmered--they are, after all, the lightning bugs of the sea. I've been swimming in
Phosphorescents before, Camp Kirby has them, too. But these guys were fatties. brilliant, and just got better as the sky darkened.

At this time,
Joowon and I went to collect Kate from the campfire for a little evening swimming, a celebration of being women on a deserted island; in nature, and frolic in it. Kate brought
Yoanna, and Cari heard too so she tagged along.
Argh! five
nightswimmers? it was getting a little out of hand. Somehow
Jinsu found out, but he promised not to tell anyone, and went back to the campfire.
We stripped behind the rocks and walked toward the sea. I could see nothing in front of me except darkness, and brilliant, shimmering yellow waves as the crested and crashed toward the shore. we tiptoes in, and then jumped! the water was cold, but our temperatures soon adjusted. we found that running in circles was like leaving a trail (like slugs do with slime) a sparkling, magical trail. Joowon and I started splashing and stirring the water, giggling and laughing. waves would splash against us so strong, up higher than we'd gotten we yet, so we yelped in surprise. That's when we noticed the flashlights, Cari said "hi!" I mean, really? come on. it was two of the guys from the bonfire.

We ran away. and the three girls decided to dress and get back to the bonfire.
Joowon and I had not had our fill of
nightswimming time, and we were tired of the goofy, I'm shy to be naked girls anyway, so we let them go and went off to swim once more. I sat down on the sand, just in the surf, and let the waves come in and roll toward my face.
Joowon ran around full on into the waves. then we sat together stirring up the water and giggling when our arms and legs shimmered. the plankton were so large, like bits of starlight that had fallen from the sky, and no one notices it in the sea, because you really have to take the time to notice. Even as the water receded, our skin continued to shimmer for moments afterward. it's a memory I'll share with fondness for a very long time.
By the time we made it back to the bonfire, wet and serene, everyone had figured out where we'd gone and what we'd been doing. I don't care anymore, a little disappointed, as I prefer it to be a private event, in this situation, I'm just glad they left us on our own.
I'm not sure what time it was when we went to sleep, but I know it was when we'd finally run out of firewood, and everyone retired at nearly the same time. There were six of us in our tent, and I'm thankful for it, because the body hear kept us the warmest out of anyone on the island. Three of us cuddled up together under one sleeping bag, because I'd brought a bag, and they thought they'd be okay underneath a sheet. (I'm glad we had a sheet to sleep on.)
Day two began at yoga o'clock. Joowon whispered in my ear, and my left side was so cold, and my right side was so warm. so I got up, there was not much else to do at that point. I had intended to do yoga with the others, but when I go outside, the beach seemed so large, the tide had come in and back out, so it looked clean of prints, and it was so foggy that we couldn't see any of the other islands in the archipelago. I decided to walk into the water, and the water was so lovely that I kept walking off by myself. The Air was so crisp, there were cliffs and green trees to my right, and the ocean to my left. tide pools, sea animals, shells, sand, and bugs stretched out before me. I could hear the rushing of the waves, chirping sandpipers, and the winds blowing lightly. I wanted to kiss the island. I was out of earshot, and it struck me, a song I used to remember, and I tried with great difficulty to recollect the words in my head, then force them and the correct tune out my mouth.

"We are circling, circling together. We are singing, singing our hearts' song. This is unity, This is Family; this is celebration; this is sacred."
...and then this one came to me,
"Earth my body, water my blood, Air my breath and fire my spirit."
I don't know how long I walked and sang this song, but as I walked, my spirits lifted higher and higher. I felt the earth lightly sinking beneath my feet, and a desire to love this place I was standing. I was only interrupted when I looked out into the water, only to see a fish sly out out of the water with all its might, and land back in with a great gloshy bellyflop.
The day continued and it turned out to be an amazing day. The fog finally burned off and the sun heated us up just like we had hoped for. It continued in timelessness of the island with wood collecting, a pancake funeral, bbq of samgypsal, digging for clams, swimming, football, more guitar, hiking in on and around the island, more conversations.

There was a lot of good conversation, although I don't really remember much of any of them, I feel a lot closer to the people I got to talk with. I got my fill of awesome genuine hugs. enough forthe first time since moving to Korea, I got enough hugs. I burned one foot, and my chacos made my foot look REALLY wierd. My other foot was covered with a plastic bag because I cut it up pretty good on the rocks. My hair almost nearly dreaded itself, and I have a feeling I know what kind of pirate I'd be if I were to stay out there longer. My rocketdog shoes will never be the same. they're still COVERED in sand. But all that will heal. I have a treasure trove filled with great memories and ideas; I got to spend time with my buddies, and make some new ones. I did things I've never done before, and experienced in new ways some of my old favorites.

I love camping. it's nice to have a chance to remember why. Now it's back to school. I shuffle in on my toes, the only thing that's not burnt crispy or cut up. I waddle in, exhausted as if I've been trekking for weeks or months, although it's only been just about 48 hours.
Back to civilization, chopsticks, cold noodle soup, and standardized education. I can't wait till next weekend, for my next adventure!
Peace out, Y'all. I wish you great adventures in the best of circumstances. If, however, the circumstances are not optimal, I hope you take on that challenge, make the best of your circumstances, test your attitude, and find some joys inside yourself and your situations.

With much love~
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