Top 5 of
worst days I've had here in Korea.
Got slapped twice in the face.
I have three scratches on my right arm.
and a vehemently violent little nine year-old trying to destroy
my classroom and screaming obscenities at me.
I'm fine.
Disappointed at his behaviour, that he punched a kid in the jaw;
In his mother, who is an educator in this school, and should communicate to her kid who has Anger issues what to do when he has these intense feelings inside him.
Ultimately, I am happy how I handled a difficult situation.
I just got the apology I insisted on if he is to return to my class.
I hope he knows why and how I will handle a repeat occurance.
Discipline can be a very difficult situation when you don't speak the child's native language.
It can be frustrating on both ends. Esp. when the kid feels like he can't explain himself.
Welcome to childhood. well, welcome back, eh?
barriers are infuriating.
But today I chose careful words. This student can definitely understand. we communicated just fine. He was pissed and I was stone-calm. holy hell I'm a good teacher. And iot seems I just keep getting better.
still....thanks be that the day is nearly finito.