Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner With Friends

We Celebrated thanksgiving this year on Saturday, Nov. 28th at Matt's Apartment in the Seoul Neighborhood called Haebongcheon. Matt is in the military and therefor has access to things like fresh cranberries, pumpkin pie filling, and stuffing mix, as well has having a real working oven in his apartment. The apartment is up a crazy steep hill in a maze of short-red brick apartments that all look the same but--a little but different.
Cari, Mikhail, and I arrived early and started cooking. I made a lentil-based stuffing, cranberry sauce, and sauteed beets/carrots/onions; and later on I made some spiced rum-apple cider. The rest of the cooking crew came to the house much later, I have no idea what took them so long, but they came in and the chaos began all over again. the only difference being some random girl sitting on the couch like a lump shouting jokes she thought were funny over the crowd that had formed.
At around 6pm, we were all ready to sit down and eat. It was a lovely meal Eun-mi made the most impressive bread and a lovely green bean casserole, and everyone loved my fresh cranberry sauce. it seemed things were going along smoothly. We somehow ended up with four pies. really we could have done fine with one or two. but nonetheless....4 pies....and we all went home with xtra pie.
I carved up the turkey for spare parts, Tasha took home some bones for stew makin,' and Cari and I split the wishbone. We decided that to make it interesting, that the wishbone would be a slap-bet. The person with the bigger piece of the bone got to slap the other person. and guess what??? I won! So I slapped Cari.
Happy Slapsgiving: 2009
Cari's First Slap.

I love you more than ponies.

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