There is much to report.
- I am teaching winter camp right now and it is running smoothly, however it gives me little to no free time during my work day.
- Korea had record snowfall in over 70 years (70 years ago being when korea started recording stuff)
- I FINALLY got my awesome xmas to me present: an Ipod touch to replace my ipod that was accidentally washed. Cari was kind enough to bring it back with her when she went to Georgia for the holiday break. It's awesome. pretty. green. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my music on to it. Oh! and Crystal sent me the best present ever! A HUGE envelope filled with traditional medicinals (brand) teas. I got throat coat, breathe easy, gypsy cold care, and echinecia PLUS. A gift only the way Crystal could do, because she knows me so well. <3>
- I am sick AGAIN (swollen tonsils) but I attribute it to extremely cold weather, a busy social calendar, and the hazards that I gladly accept that come with working with young children.
- The public school system is on its two-month break (Dec. 16 ~ basically Mar 3 with a two-day return period for final exams), so it's the popular time of year to take vacations. Friends are coming and going and many are preparing to depart from the country permanently between the months of March~April. Transition is in the air, and as someone who has an 'alternative' contract date, it's always a little uneasy for me, watching and participating in the transition. meeting new people is tedious, and the mass exodus of friends means a lot of very similar goodbye parties.
- I will go to Thailand Feb 13~27; this time with a friend. Hopefully Casandra will join us for a week, too! We will spend some time in the islands and definitely do some rock climbing. I want to do the deep sea climbing, where you free climb a rock and jump off it when you're done. I hope they have shoes for me--I don't want to ruin mine.
- Currently I'm sitting in class watching my students look up vocabulary in the dictionary in order to later on read the book, One Snowy Day. I think--on the whole--this is one of the best classes I have ever had, and wouldn't ask more of their behaviour. I think I'm pretty lucky. too bad I loose them tomorrow and get --GRRR--5th graders. I'm hoping it to be as great as this one. but I'm not holding my breath. The older they get, the more surly they become. Did you know that when you reach grade six, you temporarily forget how to walk while simultaneously holding your head erect? well it's true. When they're finished with their morning work, we'll play LEMONADE, their favorite game. I learned it at camp from the director's little sister, Blue Rain. We'll then be on our way to ending the day, so I can get out of here and go to the SAUNA!!!!!!! Dragon hill in Yongsan is great. the sauna is HUGE, and they even have an outdoor hot tub. Can you imagine walking around AL-natural with snow on the ground? it id divine!
- Kate and I used food coloring to dye yarn and now I'm making it into gloves.
- I made a snowman last week.
- I found a place that has real good brewwed beer. it only took me 2.5 years!
- i'm an awesome teacher!
- my friends here in Korea are pretty awesome. Kate and Cari's brothers have both come to visit with them and it's really fin to see the ways they're similar and to see a whole new side of my friends.
- I got my hair cut and straight-permed. I like it. much easier to manage.
- I can read. that's a bonus.
Much Love,

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