Monday, December 5, 2011

Just Another Rush Hour Commute

no photoshop.
no color selection
no kidding.

At last, I feel I can breathe, now that finals are on their way to the printers....right??? right?!?!?!!?

Aw, Shucks...

Well, yes aside from that, next to come are oral exams, homework, paper grading, recording, report cards....that's just before Xmas. then, and let's not forget about Camp! dum-dum-dum. I used to love that word. It has come to mean something else. and it makes me a little sad.
If that's not enough, before I go on vacation in February, I will have to prepare entry-level exams for the incoming second graders who will start the new year in March. Yes, people. I am talking about children who are in the 1st and 2nds grades. all this work--and they work (oh so hard!)--and they are 7, 8, and 9 years old! holy moly!
Currently, My work is exhausting me, I'm constantly tired, I teach all the time, and in my 10 min breaks between classes, I am shouted at from a distance of centimeters by my students who sometimes sit on the edge of my chair or shove papers in my face, of holler Teacher! Teacher! I want to be your HELPER TODAY!!!! and meanwhile I am expected to prepare quality lessons

With little-to-no prep time, and I am getting paid less than I did while working public school. BUT! It's more work, so.... there's that. I don't mind the work...I wouldn't even mind the lower pay...if I only felt like my work ethic or ...something... was being noticed, appreciated by the administration. I don't care to get into details, but I feel a bit invisible. I am a talking moving monkey who spurts english and "can't read" but teaches your children. "can't read" means I can't handle the completely korean software installed on my computer that causes me to take two hours longer than normal to try and convert it from A4-B4 paper and I'm SORRY but I am not stupid because I can't find the hidden 한글 margins or even how to change the FONT, so just do it the way I know and I have to say it looks pretty damned good, if I do say so myself.

I'm a stellar teacher, you guys...
you guys...
I am stressed and wondering why did I quit my relatively stress-free job to go to this one? Well I know at least why I came back. Is it worth being back here? Yeah I think so :) and well, I feel That through struggle and sometimes B+ outcomes means I am reaching out and trying my damnedest. It's tough because I am doing it all new. I'm putting myself out there and trying to better myself professionally. Sometimes I cherish the B-plusses more than the A's. It depends on where I came from, really. And this one....well, it's a doozy.
I got no pics of school. SO I'lll show some other stuff.
I'm sorry for not calling or writing lately.
it's my stress, it's that I'm busy, it's that I don't have internet and my house is disorderly...
but it's no excuse.
I love my friends and family and I'm so lucky to have you people.
Thank you.
I miss everyone.
You're in my thoughts daily.
Keep in touch.
Love, Sus

You've got to S-M-I-L-E, to be H-A-double P-Y!
Sus n' Kate have a date <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Acha & Bulam: Two days, two very different hikes

The weather was grey and misty. It rained a bit, and the peak was windy, windy.
Achasan has all sorts of interesting sites atop it, like rock piles, traditional gazebos, electrical towers, stump fields...etc, etc. The wind was strong and you could see low hanging clouds stretch across the city.
DAY two: Sunny, Sunny BulamSan.
The sun shone brightly, the sky was blue. The weather was hot and people were friendly.
Unlike Saturday, everyone seemed to be in a chatty mood. Although, it seems, the temperature of the day has less to do with what someone chooses to wear than does the time of year. I got crazy looks for wearing a tank top, even though I was boiling. I couldn't understand how anyone could stand to wear a jacket in that heat!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Class is about to start, and I am not so much looking forward to it today. We have simply beed practising lines for a drama festival, and it's eating at my brain. Trigger words set me singing or quoting lines, and driving those in my social life to roll their eyes and smile politely. but really I know they wish I'd stop. Sorry, kids, I can't.

Sangmyeon, Sangmyeong, my new school.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Update: I'm home, Sleeping at Casandra's in Seattle, waiting on paperwork and for an airplane to land in 25 hours

My title said most of it. hi everyone in Seatown! I've missed you! looking forward to catching up!
I'm hoping I will make it to Montana to see my Father and my Dog sometime in August, but as of now I'm unemployed and basically out of money, so.... have to hold that off.
I'm waiting for my diploma to come from WWU, so i can apostille it and send it to korea, and my FBI background check _NEW DEVELOPMENT, freakin korea_and then to send that to get apostilled. 6 or 7 weeks and counting....
ah! I've been advised to call and nag them to get to mine asap, as I'm waiting on a position with the public schools that starts in September. it's rough, and I worry at times, but...well...i am trying to be zen about it. I am trying to relax and take one step at a time. Take the steps I can to assure success, and let the rest come forth at a natural pace. And well, the hurry up and wait game is a frustrating game, let me tell you.

So here I am, sitting in the U-district, in need of pants and shoes. and well i guess i should go out looking for these things! goodbye friends and fam, I'll see you and talk to you later.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

13 June Part 2

So when I left the hostel, 3 nights early, the woman behind the counter batted her eyes at me, scoffed, and asked, "ahuh, why?" When I told her about the rudeness of the staff, she blamed me, and when I told her of the mold and the hole in the floor, she offered to move me to a new room. But i had already booked a new hostel. I just wanted to be out of that nightmare, so I have left. Picadilly hostel is more central and cleaner than "Central." I feel like I'm in a hospital...or a large university dormitory hall. it's bright and clean and organized. I neither see nor smell mold. heres hoping nobody gets wierd idesas in the night...

London: Jun 13

Here's what I wrote in my journal after waking up this morning:

This hostel (26 Princes court; Named Central Hostel) is DISGUSTING. This place is Nasty. 1stly, the beds. they are a death trap. There's a bunch of rusty springs holding them to a metal frame, and when someone gets up top, it bends down so low that I have to crawl into my bed, head ducked down to avoid ass-barbs catching me in the face. I mean, literally I had nightmare last night that the bunk would give way, and I'd be scarred forever with scabbed, infected scarrs, head to toe.

There are gigantic mold rings on the walls and down in the corners and at the door jams, and the floor is wet from faulty plumbing. My head is aching. I can literally TASTE the mold in the air. the common room is inthe basement and so stuffy and crowded that I feel uncomfortable being in there. There is only one internet computer, for which they CHARGE a hefty fee, and there is no WIFI!!! seriously?!?!?!? What day in age do we live in here? Also, there are no lockers in the room. Now, for the people. I wake up this morning, to take alarm. the guy above me at this time, rolls over and lets out a big, juicy fart. Then he starts to masturbate. I can hear it. the bed is moving and I wonder, am I the only one awake and hearing this. I guess this is his query, too. because seconds later there's a pause in activity, and a head pops over the edge of the top bunk. I am not wearing my glasses, but that was DEFINITELY a head. He thinks I have no clue what he's doing, so he goes back to "business" but the whole bed is shaking, and I am awake--obviously awake. though I am trying to get back to sleep. I even put in my earbuds, that have broken and are only working in one ear....damnit...soooooo gross!

The reception guy was an ass to me last night when I checked in. He didn't have my reservation in front of his face and got annoyed that I only had saved the res number and amt remaining to pay. he should have had this info, this is when i found out that there was no wifi, because I had to lean across the desk and pull up my hostelbooking online. the asshole dude was like, I gotta know what kindof room you booked... Now moving on

I went to use the toilet this morning and theres no sign on the door or anything. but theres BLEACH all over the toilet. WTF? so i cleaned it off; I had to poo.
I lock the door, and do what you do in there, and someone turned off the light and started yelling at me! The cleaning guy wanted to finish up. "did YOU SIT on that toilet?" he asks in a heavy accent, insinuating that I am the ridiculous one. He laughs! "It's COVERED in BLEACH!" I'm not so stupid that I'd sit on a wet toilet, or not notice the smell and texture of bleach. I walked away and sighed. What kind of people treat people like this???

26 Princes Square, London

Worse than 'Nam

no literally. I have been to hostels in Vietnam. They are Way nicer, and more friendly. Even the prostitutes are nicer.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Adiós, España! and your wierd keyboards i cant understand, and your tapas, and walled cities by the sea, and Spanish... and...see you again..I hope!

Hello My friends and family!

I am currently atthe Gibraltar airport awaiting my flight to London. I will arrive at Jaime´s house tonight, then early Monday morning, we get up and go to Dublin. Yay! Ireland! land of the redheads and good hearty beers!

Spain has been...unexpected... my experiences here, I mean.
I´m not sure exactly what I expected. I try to not have expectations when i just ''go with it''... and thats what i did. I met a new friend in Sevilla--Amber--from New Zeland. We rented a car, and it turned out to be quite cheap for the two of us to split the cost and explore the coast. Unfortunately, we never made it to Granada, for which i am sad. I think mostly i´m happy how things went, but I feel like I missed out on some things and the way i would have done them had I stayed on my own.

On Sunday-Monday, we visited Cadiz,

On Monday night, we ended up in Tarifa, and the very south of Spain. We met a Spanish guy with a westie puppy called John, Amber ended up hitting it off with him. So instead of one night in Tarifa, we spent five. Hey, great for me, a new friend and a puppy to play with, but I was getting antsy and starting to feel quite lonesome for home, and for Korea, and whatnot. Spanish folks stay out late. they get started so late, and i found myself dragging my heels into bars and dancing till the wee hours of the morning.

Wednesday, we went to AFRICA! and oh wow I want to see more of Morocco-what a different, interesting place. I will write more later, but i´m on a pay computer and theres not enough time to explain Tangier just yet. I will just say this: have YOU ever x'rayed a turtle. because Amber and I did...twice...

I´d intended to come up to Gibraltar last night, to have some time to explore--the hiking here looks AMAZING! and this is where the Medditerenean and Pacific ocean meet, at the Straight of Gibraltar. But, alas! Yesterday I became very ill. Fever, chills, headache and whatnot. I must have had the flu. last night was terribly awful, and I worried that maybe i would miss my plane, if i was not better, then what?? but early this morning, my fever broke, and still I am not 100%, but I am getting better. So Gibraltar, what a strange little rock. English...but at the verry south of Spain. and it´s a strange mixture of cultures and bilinguals ands fish, and chips.

but like i said, i wanted to check in but theres really not a lot of time, and no way to post pictures just yet. I will write again soon. Now, I will write my postcards, enjoy my last fanta limón, and await my departing plane.

btw..Gibraltar airport looks like a teeny tiny bus station. We missed it the first time and almost drove back into Spain! It is the fastest I have EVER processed through a flight.

Goodbye, All. I will write and post pics again, soon
Love, Sus

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Today Susan is...

Full of Tapas
in a new city
NOT hungry...
...for once...
Tempted--to simply go to sleep
and not try to socialize.
to just write
in my journal or draw things
and daydream.

I must not daydream
impossible things.
or at least for too many
minutes in a row
or in one day.

Look at today´s possiblitilies
and try to plan what´s necessary
try not to rhyme,
fill up my time
with walking and talking and meeting
new friends.

I should take him up on his offer
of wine in the courtyard.
everyone else sounds so happy
so lovely.
with wine and sweet grassy smoke


and isn´t that a funny word?
when you look at it too many times
in a row. it´s funny, don´t you think?
up into the rafters and beyond...
until gaseous fumes mix into the sky
and blow away.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sus en Paris

Hello Family and Friends!

Can you guess where I am?
If you said Paris, you are wrong!
ha ha ha I just left there, though.
And wow, I really loved it.
I am surprised, but as far as cities go,
it´s full of interesting people,
grand buildings, beautiful gardens, and
just...just...well you are just surrounded by
everywhere. in the way people walk and talk,
or sit.
I remember walking on this day this picture
was taken. I got out of the subway station at Chatlet
des Halles. I didn´t know where to go, just that
I wanted to be outside.
¨Which way to walk?¨I ask myself
I begin to look for signs, and that´s when I see
it in the distance: the Eiffel tower, just the tip
I began to walk. First across and along the Seine,
then I pass the Lovre, walk through its gardens,
buy crepes with banana and chocolate, and walk, walk walk.

I was alone thinking, wow, this city is so romantic,
ans that I would like to not be alone right now,
however that I am glad to be walking here alone,
my thoughts to myself and come up with ideas.
It was a day of noises --of motors, chattering childen,
the wind, the water, the ching-chang-chinging of the men
selling iconic eiffel keychains by the hundreds from a
huge metal ring for €1 each. But it was a day for silence
from me. I said nothing, only listened. and when I would
open my mouth to speak, it would feel dry, tired, and I
was happy to shut it again. I learned to smile, wave, and
gesture. I didn´t care to speak. There would be plenty
time for that later.

The wind blew strong through the square, French trees
and though the weather was hot, I would catch a chill.
After the Ache du Triomphe I walked along Champs-Elysees
and battled the tufts of tourists passing along, shopping for
cheap souveniers at the highest price. I ducked into the
UGV theater. They were having a deal: €3,50 to see a movie!
wow! Woody Allen´s Midnight in Paris was starting immediately,
so I bought a ticket and hurried in. It began to play Parisian
music while showing clips of Paris, the streets, the seine, the
Eiffel tower, the lovre, the fountain at the lovre...a plaza, the
Arche, one I was sitting was...up...on the screen..whoa, wierd. What a trip. It was so...
very...Woody Allen. by the end of the film, I was in love with it,
and I think a little more in love with the city of Paris, too.

so today I am in Valencia, Spain. It is beautiful, and my host, Pepe
and me made fried asian noodles together for dinner. I am
hoping to see the city today, and tomorrow, I will stay all
day swimming and resting on the beach. The Eastern city
of Valencia faves the Meddeterenian. it´s blue and windy
and beautiful. Don´t worry, I will wear LOTs of Sunscreen!

and I promise soon I will post more photos from Grand ole Paris!
much love,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hi, Hello! How are you? London.

Hi all. I am good. great. happy, in fact.
here are some pictures from me and Jaime walking around London Town
We went to see the Globe Theater--made famous by Shakespeare--planning on going to see a play there when i come back in June. We visited a park and had a picnic, and of course, my favorite: random walking! We discovered the gorgeous St Bartholomew's on Easter Sunday, they were starting a service and priests & nuns were waling around in robes, praying, chatting, and lighting candles. we walked across the Millinium Bridge, and along the waterfront, and visited an old basement-prison turned museum. cool! Enjoy the photos, and see you in Spain!