Hello Family and Friends!

Can you guess where I am?
If you said Paris, you are wrong!
ha ha ha I just left there, though.
And wow, I really loved it.
I am surprised, but as far as cities go,
it´s full of interesting people,
grand buildings, beautiful gardens, and
just...just...well you are just surrounded by
everywhere. in the way people walk and talk,
or sit.
I remember walking on this day this picture
was taken. I got out of the subway station at Chatlet
des Halles. I didn´t know where to go, just that
I wanted to be outside.
¨Which way to walk?¨I ask myself
I begin to look for signs, and that´s when I see
it in the distance: the Eiffel tower, just the tip
I began to walk. First across and along the Seine,
then I pass the Lovre, walk through its gardens,
buy crepes with banana and chocolate, and walk, walk walk.
I was alone thinking, wow, this city is so romantic,
ans that I would like to not be alone right now,
however that I am glad to be walking here alone,
my thoughts to myself and come up with ideas.
It was a day of noises --of motors, chattering childen,
the wind, the water, the ching-chang-chinging of the men
selling iconic eiffel keychains by the hundreds from a
huge metal ring for €1 each. But it was a day for silence
from me. I said nothing, only listened. and when I would
open my mouth to speak, it would feel dry, tired, and I
was happy to shut it again. I learned to smile, wave, and
gesture. I didn´t care to speak. There would be plenty
time for that later.
The wind blew strong through the square, French trees
and though the weather was hot, I would catch a chill.
After the Ache du Triomphe I walked along Champs-Elysees
and battled the tufts of tourists passing along, shopping for
cheap souveniers at the highest price. I ducked into the
UGV theater. They were having a deal: €3,50 to see a movie!
wow! Woody Allen´s Midnight in Paris was starting immediately,
so I bought a ticket and hurried in. It began to play Parisian
music while showing clips of Paris, the streets, the seine, the
Eiffel tower, the lovre, the fountain at the lovre...a plaza, the
Arche, Champs-Elysee....my...theater...the one I was sitting
in...it was...up...on the screen..whoa, wierd. What a trip. It was so...
very...Woody Allen. by the end of the film, I was in love with it,
and I think a little more in love with the city of Paris, too.
so today I am in Valencia, Spain. It is beautiful, and my host, Pepe
and me made fried asian noodles together for dinner. I am
hoping to see the city today, and tomorrow, I will stay all
day swimming and resting on the beach. The Eastern city
of Valencia faves the Meddeterenian. it´s blue and windy
and beautiful. Don´t worry, I will wear LOTs of Sunscreen!
and I promise soon I will post more photos from Grand ole Paris!
much love,