As many of you will know, I have been in Korea for nearly 5 years. I have not had a visitor from home. hm... sad... :P I get it, so I have instead been taking advantage of the company of people who are already travelling. Lately, since February I have been hosting travellers--backpackers--who are coming through the country.

I get to hear about the adventures, expense Seoul-ful advice and factoids, and such as.... it's great! heres some pics from CS adventures.

Here is Oddur after his first try at a headstand. He was working at a hotel in his home country of Iceland. He will now travel for several months. what a great thing to do, while your country is shrouded in a veil of wintery darkness.

pretty darn good...

Icelander and his first green beer.

With Michelle from Berlin atop the pagoda at Acha Mountain.

Kiss the face in the mountain.
This is Michelle; she is an Art teacher from Berlin. She took a year off and decided to travel--see the world while she had fewer responsibilities.
Then there was another girl. I can't remember her name. she had recently finished med school and was on a stopover visit from Bangladesh to the states to find out where she'd be getting her internship. She asked me to stay 2 days, but bailed after a night, opting to sleep at the airport, and leaving me a note when i got home.
It's been hit or miss. But I think that's sort of the point. It grows a person, to meet people who are different from you. Sometimes I make friends, but I'm not expecting to bond to every person i meet. That would make the extra special ones not as extraordinary. It's about civility, understanding, and respect. When you don't have the same personality as a person, there can still be something to be gained by interacting with them, and learning to understand the perspective by which they view the world.
lots of love to you.
Hope you enjoy the photos!