I am trying to do a photoproject called 365. the idea is to take a picture every day. to tell a story with pictures, or just capture something that inspires you. you can only choose one picture per day to post; some of the sites say you have to take a photo of yourself, and others say, do that every once in a while. So I've chosen to try taking photos of myself, but if theres one at the end of the day I like better, I'll post that one instead. It's only my 3rd day doing 365. It's interesting so far. It reminds me of my ethnography writing project I did on the public library. you know eventually you'll have days where nothing inspires you, but still, you should keep creating. it seems on those days, you find out things about yourself, what drives you, what is in something that you never saw before. I'm looking forward to progressing in this project and looking back on it 365 days later! you can find my entire project at http://www.photoblog.com/sujin; and the link is to the RIGHT of this page under the label: personal links.

9/10/2009: 365 Project
Thinking...Thinking...Thinking on a Bus
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