It was so great to go to Portland and spend time with my sister and her family.
We spent a lot of time the same way we do on the phone: talking and talking about everything and nothing, and it's not important where we are or what we are doing, it's just that we get to share it with each other. We did stuff, and mostly I kept my camera away, feeling tired of taking too many pics, or just plain forgetting. We danced and chatted and cooked and walked, I saw my sister's new home, and where Olivia plays. I gave Oli some hilarious stickers for her potty chair, but she removed them and put them on the washing machine. I'll miss her and Olivia, and Erik even, I'll miss them till they're near again, but somehow she seems the least far away, just a click or a call, then a beep and a ring, and theres no space at all, just my sister and me.

Brokeback sisterhood? hahahahaha, one of my favorite picture/caption combos of yours EVER. So glad you were able to spend that time with her and Erik and your lively neice Olivia! ~Nasreen