As we worked, H. taught me a korean kids' song
it goes like this:
In the woods there lived a family,
Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear.
Papa bear is very Fat.
Mama Bear is slender.
Baby Bear is very very Cute.
They all do very Well.
To say the least, it was quite a new experience. I was disappointed that the farms we were working on were more factory type farms rather than the traditional korean farming experience we'd been promised. But Hey, I got a new t-shirt & gardening hat, and met a whole bunch of new, and different types of people than I'd meet in my day to day life. I got to get Soooooooooo dirty, and it felt good. But in the end I think I prefer to do weeding on my own terms and for my own needs.
The Korean Harvest holiday, Chuseok, is upon us, coming up this Saturday. Koreans will get together and eat Seongpyeon (rice cake) and jajamyeon (sweet potato noodles) and apples and stuff. If they are buddist or practice old confucian traditions, they will honor their ancestors and pray, many will go to temples and perform a bowing ritual, 108 times! I plan to get together with my friends in the park and bring a picnic.
I'm excited for this coming fall, probably more than the other two I've had in Korea. I'm here for the change from Summer to Fall; I've experienced it, so I know what to expect, and it's settling in my bones comfotably; and I don't know. it just feels so nice and chill. It's really put me in the mood to buy vegetables and fruit while they're still cheap, and cook and freeze.
A friend has been talking about freezing and cooking and planted the idea in my head. I have the next five days to myself. I plan this Thursday to be my cooking day. I will make applesauce/applebutter, some soups, and other things. I want to just get creative. Here's to Fall, Y'all! I hope your harvest season is settling in well with you, too!
The leaves have been so slow to turn here, they are turning now but we had a nice Indian summer. In the past week a bite has settled into the crisp morning air, then hid in the heavier breezes throughout the day until sundown. Everyone's tomatoes have done particularly well this year with the longer dryer weather. I'm trying a new chicken w/ turkey bacon stroganoff recipe on Sunday. I think the freezing thing is a great idea. :) ~Nasreen
ReplyDeletei need to get on top of my freezing action...winter will be here before we know it. boo........ applesauce is a great idea. :)