Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Today is my Chuseok. What makes YOU thankful?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Dinner with the Coworkers

Monday, November 15, 2010
My First ascent, descent, ascent, and descent...etc of Surak Mountain

Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ho Chi Minh City--retrospecticus (& pics)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bridge on the lake at Hoan Kiem

Thursday, August 19, 2010
When we arrived in Hanoi yesterday, we checked into a hostel and crashed. While Will & Nina napped, I walked around the lake nearby. Now I'm going off with Nina, so no more time!
Talk soon!
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's much too early for this kind of entry.
or It's just I couldn't sleep. my bed buddy kept roll, roll rolling and I would wake up nearly pushed off the bed! grrrr. oh, and then the roosters started in with their thing.
Is it like, a rule that every hotel in Vietnam has to have a rooster? gar. I was so tired I just lay there, not interested in getting up even long enough to find my headphones. So now i'm past the threshhold. I'm sitting down in reception at the computers, while a new sleeper bus comes in, and the hotel is trying to accumulate some business off of travel-weary backpackers.
I hope this is my second to last day here in Hoi An. I think my companion wants to be here a little longer~tour the rest of the town, hang out on the beach.... but I may be ready to move on to the North. Haolong bay and Cat Ba Island is where the rock climbing is, and where I may find my rock climbing buddy scaling the cliffs and join him!
That is all for now!
much love,
So I'll keep it short:
We're in the tailor capital of Vietnam, Hoi An.
Mr Xe is a mean old man who loves men and treats the women who work for him and women who hire him like shit. The guys I'm with had no problems getting suits tailored, but he sucks for womens' stuff.
Yali is amazing. she made me a pair of pants and two dress shirts just for my body and I feel so professional in them! yay, Yali!
I went skinny dipping in the ocean yesterday. There were phosporescents and the beach was PERFECT>I could not resist.
I must go. the mosquitoes are biting.
love, Sus
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Nha Trang is pretty cool. -+
We left Ho Chi Minh City at 8pm on a train headed North.
We shared a 4 bunk soft-sleeper with an old drunken businessman and an older old lady.
I woke every two hours, and I don't know if it was from the rocking of the train, the constant air conditioner, or the fact that I was anxious about getting off at the right stop, but each time I awoke, my sore throat was so sore, and now it just hasn't gone away. Pollution in this country is extreme.
Did I tell you, there are 5 million motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh alone?
So we arrived at 5am in Nha Trang and that's where we are now.
Our Hostel host walked us up to the 5th floor with sheets and started stripping the bunks of two of the beds in the dorm rooms. he woke everyone up while we were standing there at 5am, apologizing and just wanting to crawl into bed and sleeeeeeeeeep!
Today has been so long I can't believe it's still our first day here. After our morning sleep, and aftert a cat and mouse game of wheres Nina? where's Sus? We went for breakfast at a food stall (18,00 VND for a plate of rice, veg and pork cutlet--thats a little over $1~) and then rented a motorbike.
We decided we would find the mudbath outdoor saunas, and soak a bit. It took a bit of getting used to; driving in Vietnam is tricky business, but once I got going I was ...well...going. It helped to hae Nina talking in my ear on the back of the bike, and crossing the street in Ho Chi Minh was great practice of having to make Left handed turns in a country where no one ever stops ever, you just go. So turning left is this: honk your horn and start to go. cars and bikes will usually slow down. yup. that's it. crazy! it took over 3 hours of driving around to find that darn place! We drove up alleys, dirt roads, and even one time this extremely narrow steep street (which actually turned out to be connected to the one we wanted) that was lined with houses on either side--those houses, incidentally, were covered with barbed wire. yup. I am proud to Say that neither Nina nor I have a single scratch.
We visited the baths as well as a gorgeous confucian temple. like seriously, Crystal, you're gonna love this place. I can't wait to show you pics.
Well I'm tired and there is a dive planned for 730 am tomorrow morning. Music is buzzling all around the hostel from local backpacker hangouts, and a little boy is bringing in everyone's shoes from the patio. It is bedtime.
Lots of love!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Ho chi minh City!
I am currently in Ho Chi Minh City with Nina Fan!
We flew in today and boy are our arms tired...har har har...
nah it was more or less an uneventful flight. we watched the Tooth Fairy with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Ashley Judd featuring Julie Andrews as the head fairy. It was like the Santa Clause meets Arnold Schwartzenagger with Fairies. Hmmm...and some super-dirty clean jokes! Oh that Billy Crystal!
anyway. we arrived and made our way into the city and I'm feeling buzzed!
there are MASSIVE crowds of motorbikes, and they weave around like clowns in a cage, through traffic, on the streets as well as sidewalks. I was so nervous crossing the street today, that I grabbed Nina's hand like a schoolgirl. a nice man sitting at the corner sort of chuckled, held up my umbrella like a crossing guard, and walked us across the busy street. People here are so sweet!
And did I mention it's TYPHOON season? it's hot, it rains and cools, heavy sheets of rain, as thisk as fog and heavy as an evening shower. nd then before you know it, it's sunny and steam is rising from the pavement!
A new culture, language, and all the rain, wow! I am on Susan-vaca-brain!
It's funny, when I travel, it's like I snap right back into the person I was the last time I traveled, and all these memories flood back. Of my cravings for Halal roti with curry for breakfast, and 4am massages, and meeting people. of the drunken Australians with great accents and warm spirits. of staying with Cari in Taiwan over New Years. It's ALL like it happened like, yesterday or so recently. and I'm sitting in a cafe with Nina thinking about all those great memories and they're feeling so much more real than what I'm doing RIGHT NOW, and I think of all the possibilities--and I toast to new adventures, memories, and a continuing story. Welcome back, vaca-sus! I've missed you.
tomorrow we will tour the Cu-chi (yes I said that) tunnels and the war museum, watch a documentary, and visit a night market. Don't worry about me, I'm making good use of my time and attentions. Nina is proving so far to be a good travel buddy. We had some snafoos getting here-thanks to my travel-brain not paying full attention, but it's getting better now :)
goodnight, and See you in the AM!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
July (and probably August) book challenge
and below THAT are the stipulations of the challenge. it's supposed to be 10 books in July, but i'm going to make it July & August becasue, let's face it, I read slow.
I've always wanted to read a wrinkle in time, Sookie Stackhouse is my guilty pleasure, Matt Recommended the Murakami book, and I am so intrigued by Never Let Me Go; it's so exactly my kind of fantasy book--oddly normal but so twisted. I've read the first ten pages and am so excited to see what's going to happen next. I think I have quite the variety of styles and voices, and I'll fill you in as I work my way through the challenge.
Here's to a great summer, everyone!
Happy reading!
Love, Sus

Of Time:1. Read a book that is set in the past (historical).
2. Read a book that is set in the present (contemporary)
.3. Read a book that is set in the future (futuristic).
4. Read a book that involves time-travel.5. Read a book that was popular on the year that you were born.Official sources for #5:http://www.goodreads.com/book/popular_by_date/http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/most-popular/Of place
6. Read a book that is set in a major city (urban)
7. Read a book that is set in a rural setting, small town or country.
8. Read a book that is set in space or off-planet.
9. Read a book that happens in a place that is completely created by the author's imagination or a place that cannot be found in a current world map. (fantasy).10. Read a book set in the city, state or country you currently lived in, or a place, city, state or country you have visited.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Is it Time to Go Home Yet???

It's STiLL my Birthday!
Monday, July 5, 2010
My Mom Says it's STiLL my Birthday.
Over polite conversation and after-dinner beers, we wondered...is it STILL my birthday? I decided--drunken logic--if my mom were still asleep, then it was definitely still my birthday.
So, On the morning of July 2nd, PST, I drunk dialed my mom from Liam's Iphone using Skype.
She picked up.
I asked her, "Are you still sleeping?"
"Happy Birthday."
"Hey...Hey you guys...my mom says it's still my birthday."
(dirty jokes and comments are whirling around me...does she notice. If she does, she's pretending no to...)
Mom..Mommm… hey hi I can’t hear you…oh that’s nice…I’m not wearing any underwear…no…yes…no It’s fine…I can’t hear you it’s loud and I’m drunk. I love you good byeeeeeeeee….. ”
Or at least that’s sounds about right.
I will post more pictures when I get them.
A very Gyomun Birthday
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Korea has robbed me of the ability to speak English"

Fun Fact!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
At Dodeuramsan; Hiking, Climbing, Rice Krispie Treats